It's kind of interesting how you - when you are facing a crisis - get to focus on certain things you are not usually focusing on. For instance during a financial crisis like we are right now. This crisis has made me focus on loans and how to get rid of them - or how to make some extra cash which could help me pay my loans. And then my thoughts started wandering about. And I ended up asking myself why nobody buys and sells gold anymore?
But they are actually! A quick search on the internet reveals that it is still something you can do and some people - I guess it is the very wise people - do. And they are wise because it turns out that right now buying gold is one of the best investments you can actually do. As it has been known for ages investments in gold - in addition to other investments - makes you less vulnerable to financial crisis like the one we are facing right now.
Now, I'm just asking myself one thing: Why didn't I know this before the financial crisis began?