Tuesday, November 27, 2007

And the winner is...

This is kind of fun. Guessing a number and winning free gifts. Or even better: a cash prize. Is it something for you then follow the links and check it out at b4p.
So how do I get to win free gifts (and did I mention it is Iphones, HDTV’s, Designer Bags, SCION XB’s and then Cash Prizes?). Well, at b4p it's all very simple. You sign up (free) and then there is a bunch of free gifts at display. Then you guess a number and the lowest unic number guessed wins. How easy is that? Well, as I see it, it doesn't get much easier and with the nice layout, the easiness of signing up and the professionalism that seems to be the keywords at b4p then i can only recommend a try. If not for the prizes then for the fun of it. And that is what it is: FUN.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

And then about insurance

Insurance is usually a pain in the .... And why is that? Because you seem to waste money all the time and never get anything back unless you are lucky (or unlucky, right). So I asked myself if there was any way to save money on insurance and it turns out that there actually is.
If you take a tour around the internet you can actually find a bunch of websites for insurance companies that gives you the opportunity to reduce premiums and that is the main point, right? You want to pay less for the same security. And the internet is a big shopping mall when it comes to this. You can find family insurance or even cheap smoker insurance rates if that is one of your problems.
And then one of the very best things about this kind of insurance is that you can get an online insurance policy and it is done in minutes. You don't have to wait for ages - the paperwork is basically done by yourself at home. So my point is: if you are looking for a few penny saved, than the internet is the place to shop when it comes to insurance.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Moving the talk to Australia

Now all my talk about hotels in London and so made a friend of mine react and then he send me a long mail about the glory of Brisbane and Australia and what you can get of great experiences from going there. Not only will you get the athmosphere of a big city but you will also get wonderful nature. For instance you can take a quick cruise up and down the Brisbane river, visit the wonderful botanical gardens both at the city botanical gardens and at Mount Coot-tha. There is also plenty of city features as restaurants, bars and that sort of thing so London is not the only place to have it all.
Hotels in Brisbane is according to my friend even easier to come by than in London and then all in all Brisbane accomodation is just cheaper than in the Capital of Great Britain.
As an extra bonus on going to Brisbane you can get some very cheap flights to the Gold Coast and for instance surfers paradise. Gold Coast accomodation is nothing to worry about and there you get a real taste of the life on the beach. It's fun in the sun all the time!
I guess the point in this is to go there!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Car insurance

Just lately I've been on the market for some better car insurance rates. When you want coverage for sportscar it gets kind of expensive. And it's not even like I drive a big fancy one. Just an old one but my present insurance company finds it to be some sort of expensive or fancy car. I guess it would be better just to get an old family car...
Anyway, looking on the internet seems to be a jungle somehow. How do you know that you are not getting tricked or there is something written in very small print that says something about not being covered when you actually need it the most. Well, I don't quite know yet but I'm working on it.
One thing I'm looking into right now is an online insurance policy. It seems a lot cheaper because - I guess - the company can cut a lot of expenses on all the paperwork they don't do. You do most of the work yourself and then the policy is mailed to you soon after and you are ready to go. Sound pretty easy and as I said I wouldn't mind saving a little on my policy.

Monday, October 22, 2007

And now a quick word on Manchester

As I was writing the previous post on London and how I found accommodation in London and all that I just got to think about another city in England that I would love to visit: Manchester. And why? Because this is the Capital of soccer if you ask me. Manchester has two great teams - for a long time United was the only one for me but now it's more City.
And one of the most funny or interesting stories on this is that for eight years the Danish goalie Peter Schmeichel played for United but now he's son is playing for City. And he's doing a great job too.
Anyway, a quick search on Manchester tells me that it first of all isn't any harder than the London accommodation search. Finding Manchester hotels is as easy as two clicks with your mouse and then the city has a lot more to offer than just soccer. As mentioned before the pubs is something of interest and there certainly is a few of those in Manchester too. So I'm pretty sure this will be one of my travel destinations in the near future.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

London: accomodation, sights, a great weekend...

Did you know that the London Eye with it's 135 m is the tallest observation wheel in the World (well, pretty soon another one in Singapore will be taller). I didn't untill I visited it resently and it was quite interesting. You get the best view of the intire city sitting at the top. I can only recommend trying it if you ever visit the city.
Went to Kensington Palace too, the Tower and I guess a bunch of other places. Very overwhelming when you are only there for a few days and you still want to see most of the sights. But it's a fantastic city. Not only the historic sights but also the shopping and the musicals. And then on top of it all the pubs. British pubs are the only real pubs. Great selection of beer served the right way and then you get to watch a game of soccer or two. Though it was the Rugby World Cup that was on at the time.
Another great thing about London: Accomodation is easy to come by. I did a quick search for "London Accomodation" at google and within a few clicks I had found the exact sort of hotel I wanted. And it's not only hotels. In London accomodation comes in all sorts like B&B's, hostels, motels etc. etc. so nomatter what you are looking for it will be there somewhere.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Party all night in Spain...

Now here's an interesting thought: Whenever you want to get married, why not go to Spain - for instance Barcelona or Madrid - for your hen party or stag party? I just found a site where they arrange full packages with all included and as you might know both Barcelona and Madrid are places to go when you want to party all night. You can find whatever you like from cafeterias, bars, pubs, disco's and tablaos - that's flamengo bars, and wouldn't that be great.

And apart from that it is not just coincidence that I mention Barcelona and Madrid because these two cities host two of the best soccer teams in the World. Go to Estadio Santiago Bernabeu or Camp Nou and you are garanteed the best soccer players in the World and a spectacular show of technique, skills and showmanship. Just think about Raul or Ronaldinho and it says it all.

Getting there is easy! From almost any destination in the World you can get there by plane and living in Europe offers a bunch of opportunities: Car, train, bus. Hotels in Madrid or hotels in Barcelona - they would probably say: Hoteles en Barcelona! (about all I know in spanish) come in a wide range of quality and prices but it's easy to find something in your range. So why not just jump right at it and get down there? I'm wanting to go back as soon as possible.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Share a picture

Now and then I must admit that I check out new ways of making a little extra on the side on the internet and just a few days ago I stopped at shareapic. Here you can make a little extra cash just by uploading pictures and having other people look at it. It's as easy as it sounds but you wont make a fortune. But it all counts, right. Here's a few examples:

Friday, July 20, 2007

Start earning

It's been a while but now were back with more interesting sites for the readers. For instance the blog Start earning that has a content similar to this blog. The blog is kept in some nice colours and has a bunch of interesting links to sites about making money on blogging. Also a link about getting a better pagerank and this is what I found to be the most interesting post. Allways on the look for more ideas and advice on how to improve your ranking at both Google and Technorati.
So all in all it's worth the while to stop by the blog Start earning.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Blogvertise - another review service

Blogvertise is another interesting site so visit and sign up for if you are interested in reviewing internet sites and weblogs and get paid to do so. I just signed up and now I'm just waiting for approval and then I'll be on my way to reviewing more sites and having a little extra cash paid to may paypal account. So stay tuned and I'll get back with more on Blogvertise as things move forward.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Masterseek - find new ways of doing business

Imagine what it would do for your company if you suddenly had access to profiles of 45.789.448 companies all over the world. You would instantly be able to find new business partners or companies that could have an interest in exactly your product.
With masterseek this is possible. Masterseek is the new tool for CEOs and business managers to connect with other companies in the search for new sales opportunities and new ways to expand your network and then increase your companys profitability.
As said it is the perfect tool for CEOs but being a web entrepreneur this Masterseek is certainly also for you. You may have a small internet business and sitting in you office it might seem difficult to find out who you should go to in order to make more business and make more money. But with the huge database from Masterseek you are on your way in a few minutes. All you have to do is make a profile of your own company and then you can start searching for relevant businesses in your country or even internationally. So going from national to international business has just gotten easier.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Bloggerwave - the new blog review service

If you haven't already signed up for Bloggerwave it is about time you did. This new service is a great opportunity for both bloggers and advertisers. Being a blogger I of course focus on the possibilities for fellow bloggers and I must say it seems like an opportunity you cannot afford to miss. The signup is very easy and entering the dashboard area you will see that working with Bloggerwave is a easy as it gets.
All you need to get going is a blog of your own that is fairly well visited and as soon as the team at Bloggerwave approves the blog you are on your way the the extra cash we are all looking for.
So to sum it up: You are already wasting time - get going and catch the Bloggerwave.

Friday, April 27, 2007

The Make Money Fast Hall of Humiliation

This is just the greatest! I came across this site by accident but now I check back almost on a daily basis. A blog that reviews the scams on the internet and puts the scammers on display so we can all laugh at them. That's what we all need because I'm pretty sure we have all come across some fancy looking site that promises Gold and Riches for free (or 3,99 $) and then you get humiliated finding out that the only one making money on the idea is the siteowner. So if you have the tendency to get attracted to sites like that then check out this first:
The Make Money Fast Hall of Humiliation

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Blogs on Mylot

As mentioned before this blog started out as a blog experimenting on ways to get better rankings at technorati and then it went on to become a blog on all kinds of aspects on how to create a blog with a big audience by having interesting posts. Now I'm just going to check out a new feature on Mylot. You can now add your blog to your Mylot profile and then the members of Mylot will be able to see your blog through Mylot. So in other words you suddenly get a huge audience and maybe that will bring interesting results. Though I'm not convinced but we'll see and I'll check my stats to see where people are coming from. And if it's working you will be able to read more about it here sometime in the near future.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Now we all want a big audience for our posts so now I have to post a link here underneath and this way may audience may grow bigger.
myLot User Profile


Now here we have a blog about - well, that's actually a very good question. Among other things you get an opportunity to waste a couple of minutes. That's the authors kind offer in one of the resent posts. I must admit I did spend a minute or so thinking that there had to be some sense in this post but then I read the very small sized words at the buttom saying that the post was without a purpose. Couldn't help smiling at my own mistake so that kind of made my - well not day but maybe hour. I actually do have a life, you know...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Quest for extra money in PayPal

This "Quest-blog" is yet another great blog - and I'm not only saying this because the owner, Samrat, did what I'm hoping a lot of other people will do: Adding a link to my blog. I'm also saying this because the blog has got a lot of interesting features that I have to look into in the near future. And then he has a post about a z-list. I think that is something like the blog hopping-idea I've mentioned before. You make a post with a list of links to sites you like and then update the list from time to time. This way the sites you link to get better rankings at technorati and if hopefully you get it too. So I can only recommend a visit to Samrats Quest. Just follow the link here.
Quest for extra money in PayPal

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I've mentioned this blog earlier on but at that time I guess something wasn't working right so I couldn't really say anything about it. Now it seems like it's up an running and it looks like a place to drop by from time to time to get news on different aspects of blogging and SEO. Nice layout and the author, Tanya, is very honest about what's going on there. She has made a disclaimer so everybody knows that there will be ads and stuff like that. I like that. Not trying to fool anybody. Check it out.

Monday, March 5, 2007

"Idol"-ology: Gender and Reality Television

This is just great. Blogging used as a part of a class in College. If you check out Amandas blog then you will get quite a lot more than the usual day-to-day blogging. Here you can find articles on gender issues on American television with a focus on American Idols. I find it very intersting and she has managed to get in contact with one of the participants of the show. That has to count for something when she hands in the final paper. Anyway, the blog is kept in colors matching the issue (a little harsh for me :-)) but apart from that I nice blog with interesting subject. Take look at it here:
"Idol"-ology: Gender and Reality Television

Blogging in College. Part 2

Now this is getting interesting. As mentioned before I came across a blog about blogging in College. I happened to say that "a Professor and his students". I've now been corrected and the professor is a woman. Anyway, it is a really interesting idea. The students have each their blog on different aspects of pop culture aspect and this should then relate to gender studies issues. Right now I'm on my way to check out one of the blogs because I got a comment and a link and that caught my attention. So I'll be right back soon with more on the subject.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Cash 4 You

So what have we here? Another blog that works on different aspects on how to make some money online. Actually the claim is, that the blogowner is actually making a living online and it seem like you can find a bunch of different ideas to check out. If it works or not you only have the bloggers word for it - but I found some inspiration there. So now I have a few places to visit and check out.
Oh and another thing is: this should work out as a link for link exchange and at just as here you can get a link at Cash 4 You. So get going.
Cash 4 You

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Blog Hopping

This post will be something very special. It will be my blog hopping post. Blog hopping is an idea I've heard about from a guy who calls himself Blog Sire. The idea is to have one single blogpost that lines up all your favourite links or at least links to blogs you like. These blogs should then do the same so everybody get's a link to each other and increases the rankings at Technorati. The post will be edited again and again every time you ad a new link. But this should keep the links fresh (technorati has a 180 days limit on links - links from before that time is not counted).
Anyway, my first link will be to BlogSire - a blog where you can find all kinds of interesting stuff on how to make some money on blogging. Of course you can also go there to get on his blog hopping list.

To get on this list just leave a comment.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Kinesiologi og massage

I know this might seem like a strange link, but it's a friend of mine in Denmark who would like some extra links to get a better ranking at Google. And as it has helped some of my other friends in the past then I'm willing to do it once again. The thing is that I once read that even though this link is not on a page with a high pagerank then it actually counts anyway because of it getting posted here and read in readers at different places like yahoo and google. So all in all it boosts the site.
Kinesiologi og massage

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

dear me, pay me $5,000,000 or else i`ll die. :

I just came by this blog and had to stop for a while. Mainly because the layout is pretty cool. Not the usual prefabricated layout form that we all use. No, this is something I think the writer has made him/herself. Didn't read much of it because it's one of the personal blogs and though I'm a curious person I don't want to read anything about anybody. But to get inspiration for creating something different this is definately the place to go. So check it out.
dear me, pay me $5,000,000 or else i`ll die. :

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

the din within

Blogging is a lot of things I guess. It can be very commercial and then it can be very personal. The gap in between the two is enormous. The din within is one of the personal blogs but I came across it and found some inspiration there. Very interesting to read the thoughts of a total stranger and then smile a little about what they do from day to day. It's mostly the same as whatever you do yourself and that's what made me smile. We are not all that different.
the din within

Blogging in College: The Gender & Pop Culture Blog Experiment

It seems like I'm not the only one experimenting on blogging. Now it has reached college where a professor and his 28 students are performing an Gender and Pop Culture Blog Experiment. I don't consider this pop culture but I'm pretty sure they have some interesting discussions in class. Funny thing though...
Blogging in College: The Gender & Pop Culture Blog Experiment

Southeast Asia II

I order to get this blog going I have been thinking that it needs a constant flow of content. So I've been looking around in the blog'o'sphere to find inspiration. Then I came across a blog from a guy travelling in South East Asia. This blog is just filled with great pictures so take a quick tour around the World and see for yourself.
Southeast Asia II

Thursday, February 15, 2007

New link!!

It seems like my little experiment is getting along. I have now a little collection of links. Not the big movement at tecnorati but it's all coming along, as said. For this little post I have to mention my latest co-linker at http://www.posts.ifactfinders.net I was at the page earlier on and it seems to be a place to go for further advice on SEO and that kind of interesting stuff. I'll have to get back with a more thorough review as the page right now is temporarily unavailable. No explanation given.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Raredog's chronicles

Here's a link for the blog/website of Raredog - a guy who likes motorcycles, internet and computers and a guy who can also supply you with a little advice on weblogs, link love and other kinds of good stuff. Check out his site at Raredog's chronicles

Monday, February 5, 2007

Links for links

Here's another link for a blog that has the purpose to exchange links. It's called Links for links and is placed at blogcharm. As we are talking about blogcharm I might as well mention the place here because I can recommend it to everybody who wants to blog and make a few cents at the same time. So check it out and check by following the link. There is no catch - I'm just saying this because so many people are becomming suspicious everytime some one encourages them to click on something.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Make more money, now!

So as the first thing on this blog I'm going to link to a blog with a very interesting title but with a lot of stuff that doesn't always relate to the title. It's called Make more money, now and has all kinds of posts on for instance SEO and making money. Kind of funny from time to time. Check it out.